Friday, May 21, 2004

The Friends or More-than-Friends Quiz
So, are you kinda wondering if your friend likes you as more than just a friend? Tell us the story, and we'll tell you what we think
. tsk tsk.. prolly i should try on Garry Lim.. HAHAHAHHAHA...

1.When your friend confides in you about what kind of person he or she hopes to date, does it sound kinda like you?
He/she doesn't really confide in me about that stuff.

Yeah, it does. To me, anyway.

No, not really.

2.Has he or she ever tried to set you up with someone else?

Well, he/she kinda got pushed into it. But yeah.

Yes, he/she got really excited about me getting together with this person.


3. Has he or she ever said you're "like a sister/brother to me"?


4.If the two of you had plans to see a movie, would your friend be likely to invite other people along?

Yes, definitely. He/she seems to prefer hanging out with me in a group.

No, he/she seems to prefer it when just the two of us hang out.

5.Does your friend give you anything on Valentine's Day?
Yeah, but nothing sweet lovey-dovey.

Yeah, sweet lovey-dovey stuff.


6.Do you guys have a song that's like "your song"?
Yeah, but the lyrics have absolutely nothing to do with affection. They're about chocolate or something.

Yeah -- it was my idea.

Yeah -- it was his/her idea.


7.If you absolutely had to say one way or the other or else you'd owe us $50, what does your gut say?
He/she has more-than-friends feelings for me.

He/she doesn't like me that way.

I'd pay you the $50. My gut is 50/50 on this.

8.Does your friend ever try to talk you out of other crushes you mention, like by saying that someone's not good enough for you or you deserve better?

No, not really.

No, in fact he/she is really supportive when I have crushes on people.

9.Does your bud seem to extra-like being physically close to you... like wants to sit next to you, hugs you a lot, or even punches you in the arm all the time like Radio Free Lily and Ray? Any back-rubs going on?

Not really.

No. But my friend's not touchy-feely like that with anyone.

10.Has your friend ever complimented you on something like your eyes, or your hair, or your scent, or something like that?

No, and I have heard him/her say that stuff to other people.

Yeah, but he/she says that kind of stuff to everyone.

Maybe a shirt or something like that.

No, but I've never heard him/her say that kind of thing to anyone.

11.What are the hugs like?
We don't really hug. We're not a hugging people.

They're sweet. We have good hugs.

They're a little intense... sometimes they seem a few seconds longer than a standard hug.

They're kinda shy -- you know, the one-armed hug?

11.Does your friend ever talk to you about other girls/boys he or she likes?
He/she talks about other girls/boys, but doesn't like, gush about them.

Yeah, my friend confides in me about crushes of all kinds.

No, he/she never mention any crushes to me.

12.Do you ever catch your friend kinda staring at you?
Yeah... I do.

No. People have told me that he/she stares at me though.

No, nothing like that.

Well, I mean, my friend looks at me... what do you mean by staring?


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