Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Sittin' Waitin' that's something that Jack Johnson would sing.. but in real life, there are people like me who are sittin' and waitin'... for the Np degree. which i find absolutely sad because, they say it will be finalised and then no news... no news.... and then they drop the bombshell that it is not feasible for the acad year 2006. which i think it made people wait for nothing.... i mean their intake is only 50 people.. and of course, the next batch's intake is alot stronger than my batch. like DUHZ people from the next batch would die die want to take the degree la! So, who's given more priority.. the folks who were truly dissappointed or the people with better scores? By then, the lot of us would have turned 21 and Np, eat your heart out cos people will be flocking to your neighbour and the partner of this diploma. hello. hello... empty promises.. isn't it ironic... we were taught that we shouldn't give empty promises to children, but we are students afterall, but you're just an empty promise.


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