oh hohohoho... do you see what did i see? ohohoho.. bsbs.. rather... 4/5 of the bsb.. what happened the kevin-ster?

ooooo... scandal.. it seems that are they appearing in a lot of pics together.. did i mention how cute Clay looks in glasses? P/s: pple who watched love actually... love it... but.. there is a guy. who looked like clay aiken from far.. in the show he is hailed as the grandfather of rock... *ed snorts
*ed cheers really loud.... spidey 2 is coming back.. and back into singapore on 1st July THIS year.. ooooo great! It seems that Malaysia and us are the first people in the universe to watch spidey 2.. then followed by Chille..... *ed sings " we should be so lucky lucky lucky*"..... *WU REN SHI "OI! shut that friggin' mouth!"
p/s: did i mention that Michael buble sounds great and sooooo frank sinatra..when he sings reditions of Frank Sinatra's songs? *ed blushing...
*ed got a crush on michael buble...... hehehe
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