Tuesday, January 04, 2005

25th December, 26th December, 27th December, 28 December, 29 Decemember, 30th December, 31st December, 1st January, 2nd January, 3rd January, 4th January... I'm seriously thinking after 11 days of absence.. my dear beloved neighbours who went back to India ( Dunno which part, but all i know they are Punjabis and whom i saw in the airport on the same day i left sg.) are not coming back. Perhaps its a two week visit or not coming back for good ( i mean literally not coming back, ETERNITY), or either the entire airport is submerged under water, all flights are cancelled, no airplanes are able to land in a flooded airport. Right..one good looking guy missing. dead. alive. not coming back. sad..


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